15 July 2022

Open letter to the participants of air accidents technical investigations


    The National Bureau of Investigation of Air Accidents and Incidents with Civil Aircraft (hereinafter referred to as the NBAAI) addresses the present open letter to the international organizations and its colleagues in the field of the technical investigation of air accidents and incidents of the Member States of the International Civil Aviation Organization.
    The Convention on International Civil Aviation (Chicago Convention) defines the basic principles for the activities of the international civil aviation, that in its turn considerably contributes to the establishment and the enhancement of the friendship and mutual understanding between the nations and the peoples of the world.
    On 20th May 2022, at the time of the large-scale armed aggression of the russian federation against Ukraine, by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 610, dated 20.05.2022, there were adopted the Rules and Procedures for Technical Investigation of Air Accidents and Incidents in Civil Aviation, the paragraph 9 of which states that, during an investigation in the territory of Ukraine, the investigation authority of Ukraine may fully or partially delegate the investigation into an air accident or an incident to an investigation authority of ICAO Member State, except for the russian federation as the aggressor State, the CIS Interstate Aviation Committee and to the other states recognized by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine as the aggressor States.
    Since the above-mentioned Resolution entered into force, the NBAAI, as the investigation authority of Ukraine, has not cooperated with the russian federation and the relevant state authorities of the countries, which supported the armed aggression against Ukraine, in the area of the technical investigation into air accidents and incidents. Should any issues arise in the course of an investigation, they shall be resolved exclusively through the International Civil Aviation Organization.
    We ask you to take the stated above into consideration when interacting and cooperating in the field of the technical investigation. We hope that our partners will also strongly condemn the actions of the russian federation, thereby, they will express their unequivocal support for Ukraine.
    We urge all the international organizations involved in the field of the technical investigation into air accidents and incidents to stand shoulder to shoulder with us in the fight for Ukraine’s independence and fight back against the impudent actions of the aggressor states.

We sincerely believe in your support!