Accident with Aeroprakt A-22 UR-PAPI at “Gidroport” airfield.
At 13:24 UTC, day-time, in VFR, during training flight by Aeroprakt A-22 UR-PAPI, owner and operator private person, at “Gidroport” airfield, during landing roll on RWY-30 the nose-over occurred. As a result the a/c received significant damage, pilot and passenger onboard were not injured.
During investigation it was found the following:
– at the moment of trainig flights, the weather on a RWY was: wind 290˚ 2-3 m/s, visibility 10 km;
– pilot has valid licence and medical certificate;
– during approach and landing, the flight on a glide path was performed with the speed which was higher than its written in OPS manual. The flight above RWY-30 threshold was at a speed of
100 km/h which are 30 km/h higher than calculated one. Pilot did not set flaps into landing position;
– after landing on the main landing gear, the pilot pushed the control fully forward, lowered the nose landing gear to the RWY and begin braking. However due to the high landing speed, the
braking was ineffective.
– during landing roll at a high speed on RWY-30 while crossing taxiway-3, a sudden collapse of the front landing gear on the RWY has occurred. Consequently, the a/c was separated from the ground to a height of about half a meter. In order to comeback to RWY pilot pushed the control fully forward, which led to a rough landing to a front landing gear.
– as a result of rough landing the front landing gear was destroyed after which the nose-over occurred and a/c received significant damage.
The cause of the accident – a/c nose-over during landing roll, became pilot erroneous actions during landing phase which result in significant damage to the construction of А-22 UR-PAPI a/c.
Factor: human (pilot).
Category: ARC.
Safety recommendtations:
To the general aviation owners and operators, including light, ultralight, aerostatic and amateur aircrafts: During flights strictly comply with the requirements of the flight operations manual in terms of correction of errors during approach and landing.
Local time: 16:24 09-09-2020
Country: Ukraine
Location: Airfield "Gidroport"
Aircraft type: Aircraft
Model: Aeroprakt А-22
Registration Number: UR-PAPI
Flight type: Training
The level of damage: Significant
Event category: Accident
Flight phase: Landing roll